Chillington Farm is a 38-acre smallholding elevated above the forested village of Hogsback, which is situated 1350m above sea level on the escarpment of the Amathole Mountain Range.
In 2007 we started rehabilitating the land that was overgrown with black wattle (an “alien invasive” tree from Australia), into a working farm using permaculture and land rehabilitation techniques.
During this process we have reduced the amount of wattle, reintroduced indigenous trees and planted vegetable and fruit gardens and grasslands for the animals. The wood from the wattle is used for building, making furniture, heating our water, cooking on the wood-fired stove & keeping warm.
Many people see wattle to be a nuisance, however during this process we have gained a respect for this tree and have realized that if managed and used correctly it is an incredible energy source with many uses and benefits.
Our ever-growing family of animals include pigs, horses, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, dogs and cats that form an integral part to the way of life here at Chillington.
Chillington is 100% off the grid with our energy being generated through renewable resources. Our water is harvested from a spring and rainwater is collected from our buildings and all our recycling and waste is handled by us on the farm.
Our creative buildings and living spaces are built with as much recycled or natural materials as practically possible. The closer we can source the building materials to the farm the better.
We are always looking for new inventive ways to minimize our footprint on Mother Earth.If you have any proactive suggestions, please feel free to share them with us.